Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What's the Point?

Why is it that you go to church? Or youth group? Do you go because your friends? Do you go for the people or the music? Or do you go because you actually desire to worship and have fellowship with others who have that same desire?

In the movie, To Save A Life, Jake struggles with the same questions. He is the star basketball, the life of the party, and the popular guy. He has everything ...according to the world’s standards. But then Jake encounters a youth pastor who invites him to church. And then his life begins to change.

In one scene of the movie, Jake is at Sunday school and the youth pastor, Chris, tells students to just take 30 seconds to reflect and ask themselves, “Who have I judged?” During the 30 seconds, Jake overhears people talking and goofing off and all of the sudden, he stands up and shouts to them. “Did you not just hear what he said? …what’s the point of all this if you’re not gonna let it change you?”

Ephesians 4.21-24 says that we are to put off our old selves and let Christ renew us. To let the Spirit make our thoughts and attitudes new. So if you call yourself a Christian, how are you different? What is the difference from your “old” self to when you accepted Jesus? How has your life changed?

Hebrews 6.1-3 says that we should mature in our understanding and our faith in God. We need to get past the Sunday school answers and let ourselves grow. We shouldn’t just be content or happy with what we know thinking that will be good enough or get us by. But Paul urges us when he writes to move on, to go from the milk to the meat (Hebrews 5.12-14) That we need to get past what it is we already know and grow and learn and act on what it is God has is teaching and has given to us. Sunday school answers can only get you so far. So are you staying in Sunday school? Or are you pursuing something more, going beyond to what God has called us to do.

So what’s the point of it all? What’s the point of Sunday school/service or Wednesday night programs, or even bible studies, if you’re not going to let it change you?

Like Jake so plainly states, what’s the point?