Two weeks ago, my uncle (the youth pastor) told me I would be speaking to the youth as his replacement, while he was gone. At first, fear flooded my mind. I have somewhat of a fear with public speaking. He even gave me an out, saying he could have someone else talk. But I said no, I would do it. I prayed that God speak to me and open my heart to what it is he wanted me to talk about. After a week of praying and preparing....that night had finally come. Tonight was that night.
I talked about faith and what it means to have faith (which I will put in a separate post). At first I was worried about what I would talk about, let alone for 25 minutes. 25 MINUTES! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!?! I thought there was no way I could do that. But God has a good way of proving people wrong. (and lucky for that too) I was nervous as heck, but at the same time had a confidence about me. I knew God would give the words to say he would pull me through it. The sermon went really, REALLY well I think (as well as it coulda for my first time) and small group was even better. They actually talked! And weren't all rowdy like they normally are! (I help lead a small group of middle school boys) Seeing the impact and expressions of the youth, reminded me why it is I do what I do. It reminded me and confirmed the decision God has put on my heart to pursue youth ministry.
But afterwards is what was even more amazing.
Last week, as a group we went to Judgment House. (if you don't have a clue what that is, here's a link We had 10 kids get saved. It was an awesome experience. However, there is one kid in particular that got saved that I've been trying to work with and connect. It was so awesome to see him accept that invitation. So this week, after small groups, I did a follow up with him. I talked to him a little bit, and actually started to tear up (I know, its hard to believe). But the impact he made on me tonight (and hopefully I've made one on him) was just tremendous. He actually hugged me. HUGGED ME. He NEVER gives hugs. It just really opened my eyes to the work God has called me to do and how he is using me to further glorify and praise him and his Kingdom. God can use anyone and anything, no matter where they come from, or whatever the situation may be. It just amazes me that he would choose to use someone like me, and for that I am so incredibly thankful and blessed.
But that's just the beginning of the night.
Afterward, I drove back to campus for our weekly worship/fellowship. Usually it lasts about an hour long, we do some worship, someone speaks, then close with some worship. Tonight however was a little different. We did some worship. Someone spoke for awhile. And then we did some more worship. And more. And more. And more. And more. And more. (I think you get my point) Instead of the normal hour time slot we are usually in there, we went for almost 3 hours! It was so awesome to be in God's presence and to see so many people come forward for prayer and healing, in their brokenness before God. Song after song after song, was full out worship to the fullest that I've ever seen and am so blessed to be a part of! I can't even describe how exciting and vibrant and incredible it was. My voice was even squeaking because I was singing so loud and for so long. Seeing my friends, my peers, everyone just worshiping all out, hands in the air, shouting at the top of their lungs, jumping up and down, kneeling down before him, made me remember just how vast and powerful our awesome God is. And how little we are, yet how he uses us in extraordinary ways to make a huge impact, and further his Kingdom.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Epicly Amazing!
Posted by bleinen424 at 12:50 AM